I conducted a digital painting workshop yesterday and I decided to do a creature to show how to paint various material like skin, horns, slimy surfaces etc. It was fun! (and scary!) but I didn't get heckled or anything and the crowd was super nice and surprisingly I was very comfortable painting with 500 pairs of eyeballs on me( God knows I can't paint even if one person is looking usually).
So anyway I only had 2 hours to talk(theory,tips,etc) and for the demo so I got very little done (the color test that I have posted, only worked on the head) but I am happy with the design and I think I'm going to push it as much as I can.Creature design is not my strongest point (drawing sad girl faces is, hahaha) so I'd love any help and advice on the anatomy etc (Davi made a great point about the connection of the forelimb to the body, need to define the shoulderblade/upperarm area)

So once I fix anatomy issues I think I'll repaint the entire thing, I'm quite excited!
Also, here's a quick youtube blending-in-Photoshop video that I quickly made. I'll upload it to vimeo I think, this resolution on youtube makes it hard to see anything!
the video is no longer available, so where is the video, how is life at hyderbad nowdays, when u comin to mumbai for this workshop, it seems u get vert less time to update the blog nowdays..
Very nice coloring.
hey buddy! :) as usual a cool work eh! loved the coloring and the natural texture of the creature. :) great going da and would love to see the finished one. :)
always makes me squeak looking at your work.. love 'em!
some really impressive work goin on there! love the self portrait :)
so my reliable sources where right you are a fine lookin woman )))keep up the good work!
Awesome Stuff...came to your blog via Vijay's :) The Video isn't available anymore... :( looking forward to see more of your work
You should put up more videos.
And some vox next time :)
just saw the digital workshop thing. Since I missed it, I want one on one tutoring on webcam.
i attended the seminar, was a student at picasso then,
was really inspired bu ur work,
but the power went of at the last moment :(
Great work shreya...inspiring!
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